javasxript how not to activate a addeventlistener inside a function

by Buster Wehner 5 min read

How to add an event listener in JavaScript?

Mar 14, 2016 · add the event listener outside of the function (globally), encapsulate the code in bar() inside if (some_boolean === true) {, set my some_boolean variable (declared globally) to true before foo() ends. That way, I got the scroll functionality I needed, but now bar() and its boolean check gets executed upon every scroll, when there's absolutely no need to.

How to fix IF statements within event listeners in JavaScript?

Jul 27, 2020 · If for some reason you no longer want an event handler to activate, here's how to remove it: target.removeEventListener(event, function, useCapture); The parameters are the same as addEventListener(). Practice Makes Perfect. The best way to get better with event handlers is to practice with your own code.

How can I trigger a JavaScript click event?

So you are trying to use the method addEventListener() on the array when you need to use the method addEventListener() on the actual element within the array. You need to return an element not an array by accessing the element within the array so the var comment itself is assigned an element not an array. Change...

How to pass parameter to function using in addEventListener?

The addEventListener () method is used to attach an event handler to a particular element. It does not override the existing event handlers. Events are said to be an essential part of the JavaScript. A web page responds according to the event that occurred. Events can be user-generated or generated by API's.

The addEventListener() Method

The addEventListener() method attaches an event handler to the specified element.The addEventListener() method attaches an event handler to an elem...

Add Many Event Handlers to The Same Element

The addEventListener() method allows you to add many events to the same element, without overwriting existing events:You can add events of differen...

Add An Event Handler to The Window Object

The addEventListener() method allows you to add event listeners on any HTML DOM object such as HTML elements, the HTML document, the window object,...

Event Bubbling Or Event Capturing?

There are two ways of event propagation in the HTML DOM, bubbling and capturing.Event propagation is a way of defining the element order when an ev...

The removeEventListener() Method

The removeEventListener() method removes event handlers that have been attached with the addEventListener() method:

What is addEventListener in JavaScript?

The JavaScript addEventListener () method allows you to set up functions to be called when a specified event happens, such as when a user clicks a button. This tutorial shows you how you can implement addEventListener () in your code.

What is a JavaScript event handler?

JavaScript provides an event handler in the form of the addEventListener () method. This handler can be attached to a specific HTML element you wish to monitor events for, and the element can have more than one handler attached.

What is an event in web design?

Events are actions that happen when the user or browser manipulates a page. They play an important role as they can cause elements of a web page to change dynamically. For example, when the browser finishes loading a document, then a load event occurred. If a user clicks a button on a page, then a click event has happened.


Although it has three parameters, the parameters event and function are widely used. The third parameter is optional to define. The values of this function are defined as follows.

Parameter Values

event: It is a required parameter. It can be defined as a string that specifies the event's name.


It is a simple example of using the addEventListener () method. We have to click the given HTML button to see the effect.

What is an event listener?

Some events are user generated and some are generated by API’s. An event listener is a procedure in JavaScript that waits for an event to occur. The simple example of an event is a user clicking the mouse or pressing a key on the keyboard.

What is JavaScript used for?

Before clicking the “Click here” button and hovering over text: After clicking the “Click here” button and hovering over text: JavaScript is best known for web page development but it is also used in a variety of non-browser environments.

What is a JavaScript event handler?

Any DOM object may be assigned a JavaScript event handler, which includes not only HTML elements , but, for example, the window itself as well. The JavaScript addEventListener () method can also make it easier to control the way an event reacts to bubbling. JavaScript is separated from the markup of HTML when using the JavaScript addEventListener () ...

How to handle events in JavaScript?

The main option for handling events in JavaScript is to use event handlers. The JavaScript addEventListener command allows you to prepare and set up functions that are going to be called when a specified event reaches its target.

Can you add multiple event listeners to the same element?

JavaScript event listener is simple, but requires a proper syntax. You can add multiple event listeners to the same element. You can specify whether you want event bubbling or capturing to be executed. You can easily remove the event listener with removeEventListener () method.

What is addEventListener in JavaScript?

The JavaScript addEventListener () method lets you add event listeners to HTML DOM objects, such as HTML elements, the document that the HTML is in itself, the window object, and any other object that supports events (like the xmlHttpRequest object).

The addEventListener () method

The addEventListener () method attaches an event handler to the specified element.


The first parameter is the type of the event (like " click " or " mousedown " or any other HTML DOM Event .)

Add Many Event Handlers to the Same Element

The addEventListener () method allows you to add many events to the same element, without overwriting existing events:

Add an Event Handler to the window Object

The addEventListener () method allows you to add event listeners on any HTML DOM object such as HTML elements, the HTML document, the window object, or other objects that support events, like the xmlHttpRequest object.

Passing Parameters

When passing parameter values, use an "anonymous function" that calls the specified function with the parameters:

Event Bubbling or Event Capturing?

There are two ways of event propagation in the HTML DOM, bubbling and capturing.

The removeEventListener () method

The removeEventListener () method removes event handlers that have been attached with the addEventListener () method:

Javascript Addeventlistener: Main Tips

  1. JavaScript provides event handlers that allow you to set up the code to react to certain eventsoccuring on certain HTML elements.
  2. JavaScript handlers of HTML DOM events can use not only HTML elements, but also any other DOM object.
  3. EventTarget method is case sensitive, so you should always use correct capitalization.
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Description and Syntax

  • To attach a JavaScript event handler to a specific element, you have to use the JavaScript addEventListener()method. This method is specifically used to attach an event handler to a specified element in a way that doesn't overwrite other present event handlers. Multiple event handlers may be applied to a single element (for example, two click events might be assigned t…
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Adding Event Handlers

  • JavaScript addEventListener()provides you with a lot of different opportunities, which we will now review one by one. First, we will learn to simply add an event handler to an element. Then, we'll try adding more than one at once. Once we get the idea, we'll see how event handlers should be applied to window objects. Carefully review the code examples provided to grasp the concepts.
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Passing Parameters

  • When you want to pass values for the parameters, you may want to use an anonymous functionwhich will call the specified function using the parameters.
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Event Bubbling Or Event Capturing?

  • Capturing and bubbling are the two ways of propagating HTML DOM events. Event propagation defines the element order when an event occurs. For example, when you have an <img> element in a <div>, and the <img>element is clicked, which click event will have to be handled first? In the case of bubbling, the element that is on the lowest level event is handled first, and the outer one…
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The removeEventListener() Method

  • This method will remove event handlers that was previously attached using JavaScript addEventListener()method:
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Javascript Addeventlistener: Summary

  1. JavaScript event listener is simple, but requires a proper syntax.
  2. You can add multipleevent listeners to the same element.
  3. You can specify whether you want event bubbling or capturingto be executed.
  4. You can easily remove the event listener with removeEventListener()method.
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