how to activate debug monitor dayz

by Loyce Turcotte 10 min read

yes, edit your serverDZ.cfg file and look for the following line: enableDebugMonitor = 0; //shows info about the character using a debug window in a corner of the screen (value 0-1) Set the value to 1 and start your server.

Full Answer

How long does it take to set up Dayz debug monitor?

May 28, 2013 · go to your options and then controls, head to custom controls. Then scroll down to "Use Action 20". set a key for it, i use scroll lock. accept and apply and what not, click what ever key you binded. :)

How can I debug Dayz games?

Nov 28, 2018 · yes, edit your serverDZ.cfg file and look for the following line: enableDebugMonitor = 0; //shows info about the character using a debug window in a corner of the screen (value 0-1) Set the value to 1 and start your server. Last edited by …

How do I get the debug monitor to show up?

Mar 03, 2013 · if (isServer) then { _serverMonitor = [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\server_monitor.sqf"; }; if (!isDedicated) then { //Conduct map operations 0 fadeSound 0; waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreenMsg"}; dayz_loadScreenMsg = (localize "STR_AUTHENTICATING"); //Run the player monitor _id = player addEventHandler …

Does the always on debug monitor work for regular players?

Sep 13, 2012 · (Doesn't work anymore, sorry guys. It will look like it's working but the indicators won't change)With the new patch the debug window dissappears, bu...


What is DayzDiag x64.exe?

Using the diagnostic version of the game executable ( DayZDiag_x64.exe ), it is possible to connect Workbench tool to a running instance of the game client/server and break and debug it's execution.

How does filepatching work?

It works by loading your packed mod in a standard fashion while at the same time using -filePatching launch parameter and having unpacked data present in your steam DayZ folder. If such data is found, the existing data from the packed mod will be patched by the unpacked data.
