b. how do divalent lanthanides activate n2, and what are the resulting products

by Jeremie Nitzsche 3 min read

What is the action of water on lanthanoids?

We have been interested in the use of highly reducing Tm(II) 19 and other divalent lanthanide complexes for homogeneous transformations and small …

How are lanthanide compounds formed?

Nov 20, 2003 · The results of DFT calculations have been used to define the trends in the interactions of H2, N2, C2H4, C2H2, and C2Me2 with the bivalent lanthanide metallocenes Cp2M (Cp = η5-C5H5) and Cp*2M (Cp* = η5-C5Me5), where M = Sm, Eu, Yb. These results, together with those previously published for the bonding of CO to Cp2M (M = Ca, Eu, Yb), suggest that the …

Why are lanthanides more reactive than transition elements?

Solution Chemistry of Other Lanthanide Oxidation States Ln(IV) Cerium is the only Ln 4+ with significant aqueous or coordination chemistry. E° (Ce 4+ (aq)/Ce 3+ (aq)) = 1.72 V (others est. „ 2.9 V) prepared by the action of a strong oxidizing agent, e.g. S 2 O 8 2-, on Ce 3+ (aq) widely used as an oxidant itself:- e.g. quantitative analysis ...

How to show the effect of lanthanide contraction?

The use of divalent lanthanide is purposeful, since as they are strong single electron reductants [17][18][19] [20], the divalent lanthanides adapt their electronic structures depending on the ...

Does lanthanide react with nitrogen?

lanthanoids gives lanthanide sulphide (Ln2S3). Action of nitrogen on lanthanoids: Reaction of nitrogen with lanthanoide gives lanthanide nitride (LnN).

What is action of following on lanthanides a mineral acid B Nitrogen C Sulphur?

Answer: Explanation: Action of water on lanthanoids: Reaction of water with lanthanoids gives ionic and basic lanthanide hydroxides (Ln(OH)3) with liberation of H2 gas. lanthanoids gives lanthanide sulphide (Ln2S3).Mar 15, 2021

Which of the following is the correct order of arrangement of the first five lanthanides according to atomic number?

Which of the following is the correct order of arrangement of the first five lanthanides according to atomic number? Promethium (Pm) – 61. 10.

How do lanthanides occur in nature?

The lanthanides occur naturally in many minerals but are most concentrated in monazite, a heavy dark sand, found in Brazil, India, Australia, South Africa, and the United States. The composition of monazite varies depending on its location, but generally contains about 50% of lanthanide compounds by weight.

What is the action of lanthanides on mineral acid?

lanthanoid React with mineral acids. Reaction with mineral acids : Lanthanoids when treated with mineral acids liberates H2 gas as they all have reduction potential of –2.0 to –2.4 V.

What is lanthanide contraction what is the cause of lanthanide contraction?

Answers: The Lanthanide Contraction is caused by a poor shielding effect of the 4f electrons. Gd because as atomic number increases, the atomic radius decreases.Aug 21, 2020

Which of the following statements regarding basicity of lanthanide +3 is correct?

As size of cation decreases, ionic character decreases, thus basicity also decreases. Hence, correct order is La3+ > Ce3+ > Eu3+ > Lu3+.

Why lanthanides do not form complexes easily?

Complex formation The lanthanides do not show much tendency to form complexes due to low charge density because of their size. However, the tendency to form complex and their stability increases with increasing atomic number.

What is the general electronic configuration of the lanthanides?

The general electronic configuration is (n-2) f⁽¹⁻¹⁴⁾ (n-1) s²p⁶d⁰⁻¹ n s².

What is a lanthanide element on the periodic table?

The lanthanides are generally considered to be elements with atomic numbers 58-71 (lanthanum to lutetium). The lanthanide series is the group of elements in which the 4f sublevel is being filled. All of these elements are metals (specifically, transition metals). They share several common properties.May 3, 2019

Is yttrium a lanthanide?

The lanthanides (or lanthanons) are a group of 15 elements of atomic numbers from 57 through 71 in which scandium (atomic number 21) and yttrium (atomic number 39) are sometimes included. ... Actually, only those elements with atomic numbers 58–71 are lanthanides.Jan 27, 2012

What is important about the properties of the metalloids?

Physical Properties of Metalloids They fall between metals and nonmetals in their ability to conduct heat, and if they can conduct electricity, they usually can do so only at higher temperatures. Metalloids that can conduct electricity at higher temperatures are called semiconductors.Jun 18, 2021

What is the action of mineral acid on lanthanides?

lanthanoid React with mineral acids. Reaction with mineral acids : Lanthanoids when treated with mineral acids liberates H2 gas as they all have reduction potential of –2.0 to –2.4 V.

What are lanthanides used to make?

Lanthanides have been widely used as alloys to impart strength and hardness to metals. The main lanthanide used for this purpose is cerium, mixed with small amounts of lanthanum, neodymium, and praseodymium. These metals are also widely used in the petroleum industry for refining crude oil into gasoline products.Feb 13, 2022

Why do lanthanides prefer to form ionic compounds?

All the lanthanides, from cerium to lutetium, have a similar arrangement of their outer electrons. ... When they react with other elements to form compounds, most lanthanides lose three of their outer electrons to form tripositive ions. For most compounds of the lanthanides, this is the most stable ion.

What is the electronic configuration of lanthanides?

Lanthanides have the general electron configuration of the type (Xe)4f n 6s2. They're called 4f elements as they have incompletely filled 4f subshells.Jan 19, 2022

What do the lanthanides have in common with the noble gases?

The majority of the Lanthanides are paramagnetic, which means that they have strong magnetic fields. Both the Lanthanides and Noble Gases tend to bind with more electronegative atoms, such as Oxygen or Fluorine.Aug 21, 2020

Why are most of the compounds of transition metals Coloured?

Most of the complex of transition elements are coloured. This is due to the absorption of radiation from visible light region to excite the electrons from its one position to another position in d-orbitals. ... Here transition of electron takes place and emit radiation which falls on the visible light region.

How do lanthanides occur in nature describe the procedure generally adopted for their separation?

To separate the lanthanides from other elements occurring with them, they are chemically combined with specific substances to form lanthanide compounds with low solubility (oxalates and fluorides, for example). A process known as ion exchange is then used to separate the lanthanides from each other.

How do lanthanides occur?

When they react with other elements to form compounds, most lanthanides lose three of their outer electrons to form tripositive ions. For most compounds of the lanthanides, this is the most stable ion. Some lanthanides form ions with a positive two or four charge, but these are usually not as stable.

What is a lanthanide element on the periodic table?

The lanthanides are generally considered to be elements with atomic numbers 58-71 (lanthanum to lutetium). The lanthanide series is the group of elements in which the 4f sublevel is being filled. All of these elements are metals (specifically, transition metals). They share several common properties.May 3, 2019

What electron sublevel is being filled in the lanthanides?

4 f sublevelThe 4 f sublevel is in the process of being filled for the lanthanides. They are all metals and are similar in reactivity to the Group 2 alkaline earth metals.

Do lanthanides form ionic compounds?

It can be separated from the other rare earths by ion exchange or solvent extraction techniques. Lanthanum is a silver-white, malleable, and ductile metal . ... This ion forms ionic bonds with ligands containing an oxygen or nitrogen donor atom. The ground state electronic configuration of La 3+ is [Xe]4f 0 .

Do lanthanides form ionic bonds?

Lanthanides tend to form ionic compounds, or compounds containing either positive or negative ions, with other substances—in particular, fluorine.

Why do lanthanides form Coloured compound?

Lanthanides or more precisely lanthanides ions are coloured mainly because of their partly filled f orbitals. This allows a certain wavelength from the visible region of the spectrum to be absorbed which leads to the formation of f-f transition.

What are lanthanides discuss the electronic configuration and properties of lanthanides?

Lanthanides are the rare earth elements of the modern periodic table i.e. the elements with atomic numbers from 58 to 71 following the element Lanthanum. ... The valence electrons of these elements lie in the 4f orbital. Lanthanum, however, is a d-block element with an electronic configuration of [Xe]5d16s2.

What is its effect on the properties of lanthanides?

Shielding and its Effects on Atomic Radius The Lanthanide Contraction is the result of a poor shielding effect of the 4f electrons. The shielding effect is described as the phenomenon by which the inner-shell electrons shield the outer-shell electrons so they are not effected by nuclear charge.Aug 21, 2020

What are the effects of lanthanide contraction?

Following points will clearly depict the effect of lanthanide contraction: 1 Atomic size 2 Difficulty in the separation of lanthanides 3 Effect on the basic strength of hydroxides 4 Complex formation 5 The ionization energy of d-block elements

What is the atomic number of lanthanides?

Lanthanides of first f-block have a terminal electronic configuration of [Xe] 4f1-14 5d 0-16s2 of the fourteen lanthanides, promethium (Pm) with atomic number 61 is the only synthetic radioactive element. The energy of 4f and 5d electrons are almost close to each other and so 5d orbital remains vacant and the electrons enter into the 4f orbital.

Why does the atomic size of tri positive lanthanide decrease?

The atomic size or the ionic radii of tri positive lanthanide ions decrease steadily from La to Lu due to increasing nuclear charge and electrons entering inner (n-2) f orbital. This gradual decrease in the size with an increasing atomic number is called lanthanide contraction.

What is rare earth metal?

They are called rare earth metals since the occurrence of these elements is very small (3×10 -4 % of Earth’s crust). They are available in ‘monazite’ sand’ as lanthanide orthophosphates. The term ‘lanthanide’ was first introduced by the Norwegian mineralogist Victor Goldschmidt in the year 1925.

How many elements are in the lanthanide family?

The lanthanide family consists of fifteen metallic elements (from lanthanum to lutetium), all but one of which are f-block elements. The valence electrons of these elements lie in the 4f orbital. Lanthanum, however, is a d-block element with an electronic configuration of [Xe]5d 1 6s 2. The lanthanides are highly dense elements, ...

Which metal is the only one that exists in its liquid state at room temperature?

Mercury – the liquid metal: Mercury is the only metal that exists in its liquid state at room temperature. 6s valence electrons of Mercury are more closely pulled by the nucleus (lanthanide contraction) such that outer s-electrons are less involved in metallic bonding.

What is the oxidation state of lanthanide?

All the elements in the lanthanide series show an oxidation state of +3. Earlier it was believed that some of the metals (samarium, europium, and ytterbium) also show +2 oxidation states. Further studies on these metals and their compounds have revealed that all the metals in lanthanide series exhibit +2 oxidation state in their complexes in solutions.

What are the atomic numbers of lanthanides?

The lanthanide series of metals includes the 15 elements with atomic numbers 57–71, plus yttrium (atomic number 39). The lanthanides occur in the earth's crust at concentrations exceeding some commonly used industrial elements making the term ‘rare earths’ something of a misnomer. For example, yttrium, cerium, lanthanum, ...

What is the process of absorbing UV light?

Usually, the UV light is absorbed by organic ligands (chromophores), followed by energy transfer to the metal ion, and finally the metal ion emits light. 72 For inorganic materials, an appealing possibility is the use of strongly absorbing chromophores containing d-block metals to sensitize the lanthanide luminescence.

What is ICP-MS used for?

ICP-MS is well suited to the determination of the lanthanide series of elements in many geological applications. Sample preparation methods are similar to those generally used for trace metals analysis; however, nitric acid is favored for sample digestion because other mineral acids contain elements which cause spectroscopic inteferences.

What are the fluorescent properties of lanthanides?

These 4f orbitals are shielded by the more radial expanded 5s 2 5p 6 subshells, making them “inner orbitals”, and is this inner character of the 4f orbitals what gives lanthanides their optimal chemical and spectroscopic properties that make them useful as bioimaging tools. (6)

When was lanthanide discovered?

The discovery of the first lanthanide commenced in 1787 with the finding of a new mineral by an artillery lieutenant of the Swedish army, Carl Axel Arrhenius, in a quarry near Ytterby, which he called “Ytterby’s tungsten” (“tug sten” means “heavy stone” in Swedish).

What is the antenna effect?

THE ANTENNA EFFECT. A widely established method to sensitise lanthanide’s absorption, commonly known as the antenna effect, was firstly observed by Weissman in 1942 when he obtained the excitation of Eu 3+ through indirect irradiation of surrounding UV-absorbing anions.


The location of the ground state energy of a lanthanide ion relative to the valence or conduction band of a host crystal determines whether that lanthanide is a potential electron or a potential hole trap. In this contribution the methods to determine the lanthanide ground state energy are briefly reviewed.

1. Introduction

Thermoluminescence (TL) and optical stimulated luminescence (OSL) are powerful techniques in characterizing inorganic materials for dosimetric applications.

2. The method to locate lanthanide energy levels

The method to locate the lanthanide energy levels relative to the conduction and valence band of the host lattice were applied earlier by us to the wide band gap compounds CaF 2 and YPO 4 ( Dorenbos, 2003 ), the smaller band gap compounds CaGa 2 S 4 ( Bessiere et al., 2004) and LaBr 3 ( Dorenbos et al., 2006 ), and the III–V semiconducting compounds GaN ( Dorenbos and van der Kolk, 2006 ), AlN and their alloys Al x Ga 1 - x N ( Dorenbos and van der Kolk, 2008 ).

3. Future prospective

The universal binding energy curves for the divalent and the trivalent lanthanides in compounds as function of the number of electrons in 4f provides us a tool to explain and predict charge carrier trapping and related TL phenomena.

4. Conclusions

This work shows that the temperature of TL glow peak maxima can be directly linked with the location of the ground state energy of lanthanides in compounds. To demonstrate this we used recent results on YPO 4 doped with Ce 3 + and co-doped with a second trivalent lanthanide ion (Nd, Sm, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm).

What Are Lanthanides?

  • Lanthanides are the rare earth elements of the modern periodic table i.e. the elements with atomic numbers from 58 to 71 following the element Lanthanum. They are called rare earth metals since the occurrence of these elements is very small (3×10-4 % of Earth’s crust). They are available in ‘monazite’ sand’ as lanthanide orthophosphates. The term ‘lanthanide’ was first intro…
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Lanthanide Contraction

  • The atomic size or the ionic radii of tri positive lanthanide ions decrease steadily from La to Lu due to increasing nuclear charge and electrons entering inner (n-2) f orbital. This gradual decrease in the size with an increasing atomic number is calledlanthanide contraction. ⇒ Also Read: Actinides
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Electronic Configuration of Lanthanides

  • Lanthanides of first f-block have a terminal electronic configurationof [Xe] 4f1-14 5d 0-16s2 of the fourteen lanthanides, promethium (Pm) with atomic number 61 is the only synthetic radioactive element. The energy of 4f and 5d electrons are almost close to each other and so 5d orbital remains vacant and the electrons enter into the 4f orbital. Exceptions are in the case of gadolini…
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Oxidation State of Lanthanides

  • All the elements in the lanthanide series show an oxidation state of +3. Earlier it was believed that some of the metals (samarium, europium, and ytterbium) also show +2 oxidation states. Further studies on these metals and their compounds have revealed that all the metals in lanthanide series exhibit +2 oxidation state in their complexes in solutions. A few metals in the lanthanide s…
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Chemical Reactivity of Lanthanides

  • All the lanthanides show similarity in the reactivitybut are greater than the transition elements. This is due to the shielding of unpaired electrons of the inner 4f-orbital by the outer 5s, 5p, and 5d orbital’s. Get readily tarnished with oxygen and forms the oxides of M2O3 except for CeO2 which reacts with hydrogen forming solid hydrides at 300-400 C. Hydrides get decomposed by …
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Ionization Energy of Lanthanides

  • Ionization energy is the energy ne eded to remove the valence electron from the atom/ion and is directly related to the force of attraction on the electron. Hence larger the nuclear charge and smaller the radii of the electron larger will be the ionization energy(IE). Also, the ionization energy will be more for half-filled and fully filled orbitals. IE of the lanthanides elements is larger than s-…
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Physical Properties of Lanthanides

  • 1. Density: Density being the ratio of the mass of the substance to its volume, density of d-block elements will be more than the s-block elements. Among the inner transition series, the trend in density will be reverse of atomic radii, ie. density increases, with an increasing atomic number along the period. They have a high density ranging between 6.77 to 9.74 g cm-3. It increases wit…
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Formation of Coloured Ions

  • Lanthanides ions can have electrons in f-orbital and also empty orbitals like the d-block elements. When a frequency of light is absorbed, the light transmitted exhibit a colour complementary to the frequency absorbed. Inner transition element ions can absorb the frequency in the visible region to use it for f-f electron transition and produce visible colour. Many of the lanthanide metals are …
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Uses of Lanthanides

  1. Metallurgical applications: Some of the alloys of lanthanide elements find important metallurgical applications as reducing agents. Example: Misch metals (Ce- 30 to 35%)
  2. Ceramic applications: Ce(III) and Ce(IV) oxides find use in glass polishing powders whereas Nd and Pr oxides are extensively used in colouring glass and in the production of standard light filters.
  1. Metallurgical applications: Some of the alloys of lanthanide elements find important metallurgical applications as reducing agents. Example: Misch metals (Ce- 30 to 35%)
  2. Ceramic applications: Ce(III) and Ce(IV) oxides find use in glass polishing powders whereas Nd and Pr oxides are extensively used in colouring glass and in the production of standard light filters.
  3. Catalytic applications: Some lanthanide compounds are used as catalysts. Example: Cerium phosphate is used in petroleum cracking as a catalyst.
  4. Electronic applications: The ferromagnetic garnets of 3Ln2O3.5Fe2O3 type are used in microwave devices.

Frequently Asked Question

  • 1. What are lanthanide series? How many elements are there in lanthanide series? Answer: In a periodic table a chemical element of row 6 between group 3 and 4 are called lanthanide series. The lanthanide family includes total 15 chemical elements with atomic number between 57 to 71. 2. Why Ce4+ is good oxidizing agent in aqueous where as Eu2+ and Yb2+ions are good reducin…
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